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NASCLA Accredited Commercial General Building Contractor Examination Home Study Course
Our NASCLA Accredited Commercial General Building Contractor Exam Prep Course is designed by contractors, for contractors. We provide the most effective training available you to help you pass the NASCLA Accredited Commercial Commercial Building Contractor Exam.
Our Online Home Study Course includes:
- How to take this course video
- How to register for the exam(s)
- The 4 segments of test-taking techniques
- List of required reference books for your exam and when they update
- Highlight & tab locations for the required reference books
- Practice Exams by book to allow you to focus on what you don’t know
- 3 Final Exams
- 1-year access to online course (discounts on extensions)
- Access to an instructor via Phone call, Text message, Zoom, or email.
Over the years, We have created the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. With the Blended Format, we mix online basic instruction with face-to-face instruction to obtain the perfect mix for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor’s license. The ability to be able to get an instructor on the phone when you need them is the huge advantage to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of passing the exam the first time.
Android and iOS Compatible – Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.
There are 23 books required for the NASCLA Accredited Commercial Building General Contractor Exam. You can purchase these books HERE.
- ANSI A117.1 Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, 2017
- BCSI: Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses 2018 – Updated 2020
- Carpentry and Building Construction, 2016
- Code of Federal Regulations – 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA),
- Construction Jobsite Management, 4th Edition, 2017
- Construction Project Management, 4th Edition, 2014
- NASCLA Contractors’ Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, Basic 13th Edition
- Erectors’ Manual – Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Pre Cast Concrete Products, 1999, 2nd Edition
- Green Building Fundamentals 2011, 2nd Edition
- Gypsum Construction Handbook, 7th edition, 2014
- Technical Digest No. 9 – Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders, 3rd Edition, 2008
- International Building Code, 2018 or 2021 Edition
- ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete & Commentary
- Training and Certification of Field Personnel for Unbonded Post-Tensioning – Level 1 Field Fundamentals, 2003, 3rd Edition
- Modern Masonry – Brick, Block, Stone 9th edition
- Pipe and Excavation Contracting, 2011
- Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, 10th edition
- Roofing Construction and Estimating 1995
- Placing Reinforcing Bars, Recommended Practices 10th Ed
- SDI (Steel Deck Institute) Manual of Construction with Steel Deck 3rd
- The Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction 4th ed
- Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan – A Guide for Construction Sites, United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2007
- ANSI/EIMA 99-A-2017: Standard for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage, 2017
Some states do require contractors to pass a separate “Business and Law Exam”. This exam is open book and requires the State specific NASCLA Business, Law and Project Management book. This book would be required in addition to the Basic NASCLA Business, Law and Project Management book required for the NASCLA Accredited Exam.
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