Energy Efficient Building Construction in Florida
NEW – 10th Edition
By Craig Miller, James Sullivan and Sherry Ahrentzen
Published by the University of Florida
An overview of key building features that affect building performance. Where appropriate, provisions of the Florida Energy Conservation Code are included. The book is a collaborative effort between the Program for Resource Efficient Communities, the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies, and the M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Construction Management. Topical areas addressed are: Siting and Passive Design Features The Building as a System Air Leakage – Materials and Techniques Insulation – Materials and Techniques Windows and Doors Heating and Ventilation Duct Design and Sealing Domestic Water Heating Appliances and Lighting The intent of this book is to guide designers and builders in ensuring that new and remodeled buildings, at a minimum, meet the Florida Building Code. included in this book, which in many cases go beyond required code, become standard practice in the construction or remodeling of buildings in Florida.
ISBN 9780985248741
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