Electrical Business – Complete Exam Ready Package
Highlighted & Tabbed 2021 Florida Contractor’s Manual with Business Electrical Exam Prep
Our Electrical Florida Business Complete Exam Ready Package is the absolute best value you can find to ensure you pass your exam. It includes the rental of a highlighted and tabbed 2021 Florida Contractor’s Manual for your Electrical Business Exam, plus our online home study course.
Exam ready 2021 Florida Contractors Manual come affixed with permanent quick reference tabs printed with chapter titles and/or other key sections to help you quickly and easily navigate through the book during your exam. Important areas will be highlighted so you will know what subjects are relevant while saving time preparing for your exam.
You will receive the following book required for your exam pre-tabbed and highlighted:
- Florida Contractors Manual, 2021
Our Electrical Business Online Home Study Courses is the most valuable part of this package. Our course is designed by contractors, for contractors and provides the most effective training available. It is the key to passing your exam the first time.
The Electrical Business Online Home Study Course includes:
- How to take this course video
- How to register for the exams
- The 4 segments of test-taking techniques
- List of required reference books for your exam and when they update
- Practice exams by book to allow you to focus on what you don’t know
- 3 Final exams
- Short and specific videos about each particular topic
- 1-year access to online course (discounts on extensions)
- Access to an instructor via phone call, text message, Whatsapp, FaceTime, or email.
Over the years, we have created the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. With the blended format, we mix online basic instruction with face-to-face instruction to obtain the perfect mix for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor’s license. The ability to be able to get an instructor on the phone when you need them is the huge advantage to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of passing the exam the first time.
Android and iOS Compatible – Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.
***All of the above is included in the package price of $399. Your $150 deposit will be refunded when you return your rental books within 6 months from your order date. If you do not return all of the books within 6 months in similar or comparable condition in which you received them, you will not receive the $150 refund.***
The Electrical Business Exam is a requirement for all types of electrical contractors to become licensed in the State of Florida. This exam (50 scored test questions, 2 hours) must be taken in addition to the trade exam for which you are trying to become licensed.
DID YOU KNOW? Every time you fail the exam, you must pay the State of Florida $135 + $80 to Pearson Vue per exam.
+++ Disclaimer The Exam pros does not warrant or guarantee any of the highlighted and tabbed content to be no your exam. This information has be known to be on previous exams and and is the main content for the exam. The State Exam changes every 21 days and we can not predict the future. Anyone claiming to have any answers to the exams not a true statement +++
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