The Standard covers public swimming pools to be used for swimming, bathing, competitive activities, or recreational activities that are operated by an owner, lessee, operator, licensee, or concessionaire, regardless of whether a fee is charged for use. Public swimming pools covered by this Standard include class A (Competition Pools), B (Any pool intended for public recreational use not otherwise classified), C, (Hotels, Motels and Condominiums) and F (Wading) pools. The ANSI/APSP/ICC-1 2014 is different from its 2003 predecessor in that the revised version addresses advanced technology, safety and an improved understanding of best practices for constructing and renovating public swimming pools. Several major changes include an updated Appendix A on the Chemical Operational Parameters; a new Appendix B, “Water Velocity Limits” that describes how to determine the water velocity requirements of a public pool to achieve maximum performance safety and energy efficiency; and an expanded section on wading pools.
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