Builder’s Guide to Swimming Pool Construction
Builder’s Guide To Swimming Pool Construction 2nd Edition by Max Schwartz / Builder’s Book, Inc.
Comprehensive reference to planning, building and outfitting a pool.
- Planning and Layout
- The Swimming Pool Contractor
- Responsible Parties
- Scheduling
- Pool Activity Lis
- Surveying
- Setting Survey Stakes
- Layout Position
- Earthwork
- Soil Classification
- Masonry Retaining Walls
- Piping
- Piping Guidelines
- Plastic Pipe
- Valving
- Forming
- Reinforcement
- Placing Steel
- Concrete
- Foundations
- Concrete Materials
- Checklist for Concrete
- Pool Finishing
- Plastering
- Vinyl Pools
- Fiberglass Pools
- Deck Finishing
- Pool Decks
- Mechanical
- Pumps
- Heating the Pool
- Filters
- Electrical
- Electrical Connections
- Underwater Lights
- Bonding
- Pool Accessories
- Fence Requirements
- Specs for Masonry Fences
- Diving Boards
- Slides
- Ladders
- Pool Failures
Includes a Companion CD-ROM. Your purchase includes the printed book, PLUS the entire book on disc, PLUS more than 25 Pool Construction Details! Search the entire book in just seconds… for fast reference. (PDF format; requires the FREE Adobe Reader available from the Adobe website. Printing has been disabled for the book on disc; printing is enabled for the Details.)
Published: 2010 / Builders Book Inc./ 292 pages / ISBN/Book No.: 1889892505
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