Our PSI South Carolina Limited Building Online Home Study Course is designed by contractors, for contractors. We provide the most effective training available to prepare you for the Exam.
- 1-year or UNLIMITED access to online course
- Access to an instructor via Phone call, Text message, Zoom, or email.
- How to take this course video
- How to register for the exam(s)
- The 6 segments of test-taking techniques – NEW
- List of required reference books for your exam and when they update
- Highlight & tab locations for the required reference books
- Printable Practice Exams by book to allow you to focus on what you don’t know
- Printable Final Exams with question, answer, page number, book & solution
- Short & specific videos about each particular topic – NEW
- More than 1,000 practice questions by chapter & book with correct answer, page number and solution.
Over the years, We have created the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. With the Blended Format, we mix online basic instruction with face-to-face instruction to obtain the perfect mix for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor’s license. The ability to be able to get an instructor on the phone when you need them is the huge advantage to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of passing the exam the first time.
Android and iOS Compatible – Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.
There are 80 questions in this examination. You will need to answer 56 questions correctly in order to pass. You are allowed 5 hours to complete this examination.
NOTE: All Limited Building Contractor candidates are required to pass the Business Management and Law for Contractors Examination and the Limited Building Contractor Examination. In addition to the number of examination items specified, a small number of “experimental” questions will be administered to candidates during this examination.
The use of such questions is an essential step in developing accurate future examinations. These questions will NOT be scored, however, for this examination time to answer them has been added to the time allowed.
(Limited) Building Contractor Scope of Work For Group #1, #2, and #3 limitations to construct or remodel commercial or residential buildings. Construction is limited to 3 stories in height. Licensees under this classification may perform ancillary work, including grading, associated with the building or structure which the licensee has been engaged to construct. However, if a project includes work performed under a Mechanical Contractor sub-classification or any of these license sub classifications, the licensee must have a license in the appropriate license classification or sub classification to perform the work: Swimming Pools, Bridges, Boring and Tunneling, Water and Sewer Lines, Pipe Lines, Railroad Lines, Specialty Roofing, Marine, Water and Sewer Plants, and Asphalt Paving.
(Limited) Building Contractor Examination Content
1. Sitework (7 Items)
2. Concrete (10 Items)
3. Masonry (10 Items)
4. Metals (10 Items)
5. Carpentry (12 Items)
6. Thermal and Moisture Protection (9 Items)
7. Doors and Windows (2 Items)
8. Finishes (2 Items)
9. Safety (5 Items)
10. General Code, Plan Reading and Estimating (13 Items)
(Limited) Building Contractor Reference Books
1. 2018 International Building Code
2. Code of Federal Regulations – 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA)
3. Modern Masonry – Brick, Block, Stone, Clois E. Kicklighter, 8th edition
4. Technical Digest No. 9 – Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders, 3rd Edition, 2008,
5. Carpentry and Building Construction 2016
6. Roofing Construction and Estimating, 1995,
7. Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction, 3rd Edition,
8. Pipe and Excavation Contracting, 2011; Dave Roberts, Craftsman Book Company,
9. South Carolina 811 Excavator Manual, latest edition
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