Our PSI North Carolina Public Utilities (PU) Contractor Online Home Study Course is designed by contractors, for contractors. We provide the most effective training available to prepare you for the Exam.
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- How to take this course video
- How to register for the exam(s)
- The 6 segments of test-taking techniques – NEW
- List of required reference books for your exam and when they update
- Highlight & tab locations for the required reference books
- Printable Practice Exams by book to allow you to focus on what you don’t know
- Printable Final Exams with question, answer, page number, book & solution
- Short & specific videos about each particular topic – NEW
- More than 1,000 practice questions by chapter & book with correct answer, page number and solution.
Over the years, We have created the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam. With the Blended Format, we mix online basic instruction with face-to-face instruction to obtain the perfect mix for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractor’s license. The ability to be able to get an instructor on the phone when you need them is the huge advantage to ensure that you give yourself the best chance of passing the exam the first time.
Android and iOS Compatible – Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.
PSI North Carolina Public Utilities (PU) Contractor Online Home Study Course
There are 100 questions in this examination. You will need to answer 70 questions correctly in order to pass. You are allowed 4 hours to complete this examination.
NOTE: Commercial Contractor candidates are required to pass the Business Management and Law for Contractors Examination and the Public Utilities (PU) Contractor Examination.
This classification includes operations that are the performance of construction work on water and wastewater systems and on the subclassifications of facilities set forth in G.S. 87-10(b)(3). The Board may issue a license to a public utilities contractor that is limited to any of the subclassifications set forth in G.S. 87-10(b)(3) for which the contractor qualifies. A public utilities contractor license covers work done under the specialty classifications of S(Boring and Tunneling), PU(Communications), PU(Fuel Distribution), PU(Electrical—Ahead of Point of Delivery), PU (Water Lines and Sewer Lines), PU(Water Purification and Sewage Disposal), and S(Swimming Pools).
Subject Area # of Items Excavation and Grading 6 Electrical Power Distribution 15 Fuel Distribution 12 Swimming Pools 4 Concrete and Concrete Reinforcement 12 Shotcrete and Gunite 4 Water and Sewer Piping 12 Communication Systems 3 Boring and Tunneling 4 Erosion and Sedimentation Control 2 Safety 8 Liens 1 Licensing 2 Business and Law 7 One Call 2 Welding 6
Reference Books (Included)
The following reference materials are allowed in the examination center:
▪ Contractor’s Guide to Business, Law and Project Management – North Carolina General Contractors Edition, 9th or 10th Edition,
▪ North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry, with latest available amendments, North Carolina Department of Labor, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Bureau of Education, Training and Technical Assistance
▪ North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 18C: Water Supplies, including the latest amendments,
▪ Public Swimming Pools – North Carolina Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources, Title 15A, Subchapter 18A, Sec. 2500 NC Administrative Code,
▪ Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for Motor-Vehicle Fueling (RP200), 2013, Petroleum Equipment Institute, (918) 494-9696, www.pei.org
▪ Recommended Procedure for Testing Electrical Continuity of Fuel-Dispensing Hanging Hardware (RP400), 2002,
▪ ASME Code for Pressure Piping – B31.8 – Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, 2014,
▪ National Electrical Safety Code, 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
▪ Lineman’s and Cableman’s Handbook, Shoemaker and Mack, 13th edition (2017),
▪ DIPRA Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe, 2007 (revised 2012),
▪ Concrete Pipe & Box Culvert Installation, 2007 edition
The following reference materials are not allowed in the examination center:
▪ North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 4 Sedimentation Control, including the latest amendments, Sedimentation Control Commission,
▪ North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A, Article 4 Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973, including the latest amendments, Sections 113A-50 to 113A-67, inclusive,
▪ North Carolina Excavation Safety Guidelines, 2022 or later, 811
▪ Pipe and Excavation Contracting, Dave Roberts, 2011,
▪ Laws and Regulations Applicable to General Contracting in the State of North Carolina, North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors
▪ Jacked Tunnel Design and Construction, 1998,
▪ Erectors’ Manual – Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of PreCast Concrete Products, 2nd Edition, 1999,
▪ Modern Welding, 2013, 11th Edition
▪ Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 16th edition, 2016,
▪ Guide to Shotcrete, 1995, American Concrete Institute, P
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