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Highlighted & tabbed books ship within 24 hours – we always have in stock!
This book package includes all of the required references for your TN C-A, b (sm) Examination:
- International Building Code, 2012,
- International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family
Dwellings, 2018, - Code of Federal Regulations – 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA),
with latest available amendments - Carpentry and Building Construction, 2010 or 2016
(Student Edition), - The Contractor’s Guide to Quality Concrete Construction,
2018, 4th Edition, - Roofing Construction and Estimating
- Modern Masonry – Brick, Block, Stone, Clois E.
Kicklighter, 8th edition (201 - Pipe and Excavation Contracting, Dave Roberts, 2011,
- Gypsum Construction Handbook, 7th edition, 2014,
- Technical Digest No. 9 – Handling and Erection of Steel
Joists and Joist Girders, 3rd Edition, 2008 - SDI Manual of Construction with Steel Deck, 2016, 3rd
Edition - ACI 530/530.1-132013Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures and Companion Commentaries
- ACI 318-14 2014 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary,
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